The Resource for Navigating your Foster Family Journey

“We're Here to Help with the Resources You Need”

— Foster Families Navigation & Resource Center

Our Mission.

The Mission of the NRC is to equip and support our foster families to be able to continue this crucial work for years to come.

Through mentoring, outreach, resources, and fellowship we can ensure that these families feel supported and uplifted while doing the work they have been called to do thus benefiting not just the family but the children and the communities around them.

Our Partners 

2024 Community Impact Partnership Program

Necessities. Essentials. Foster Youth.

Become a Resource

It takes a village. And without people like you, there can’t be people like us. Whether you have time, talents, or treasures you'd like to share, we have a space for you! Send us a short email with what interests you or what resources you may have and we will be in touch about how you can be a blessing to others.

We have a full list of resources available in our area. This list is updated as new resources become available. We'd love for you to check it out!

“For where your treasure is, 
there your heart will be also”
Heart in hands
- Matthew 6:21


Stay up to date on new resources and services, current needs, and how we're impacting the community with our quarterly newsletter.

Make a donation.

Our nonprofit is run solely on generous donations and volunteers. Every little bit helps and we strive to make every dollar stretch to its fullest capacity. We thank you in advance for your kindness and support.

Meet the Team
    Founder | Executive Director

    Sarah founded the nonprofit on the idea of wouldn't it be great if... She brings a motto of "we know better so we can do better" to the heart of this little project. As a mom, foster mom, wife, and entrepreneur she has more hats than can fit in her closet. When she's not juggling hats, she likes to run... like really far. She also loves popcorn, baking, and snuggles with the littles. Sarah is passionate about this project because she has witnessed first hand how support for all parties involved can translate into our foster kiddos truly blossoming.

    Vice President

    Bri comes to our team with foster family life, CPS, and DHHS resource navigation in her back pocket. She is passionate about making her foster families feel supported and connecting resources in her community with the people that need them. She's a super mom of 3, a full-time resource coordinator at DHHS, and a multi-tasker extraordinaire. When she's not in full work mode she spends time camping, practicing her ninja moves, and removing the tadpoles her littles brought in from the pond. Bri's passion for the nonprofit stems from knowing the frustrations her foster families have faced and knows we can work to improve the support and care each kiddo receives.


    Terri is a wife, mom, and grandma born and raised here in the tri-city area. Her and her husband are local farmers and farming advocates here in our community. They love to share their knowledge of farming. When she’s not driving a mean tractor you can find her at the Saginaw Spirit game. She is a Spirit Fanatic and we love her energy. Terri is passionate about moving the mission of the NRC forward through her networking skills and love of people. We are so happy to have you as part of our Board.


    Paul is the definition of a servants heart. As a Thrivent rep he cares about his community and is always seeking ways to give back. It only took us 2 whole years to get him on board with the NRC, but it was worth the wait. Paul is a superpower when it comes to analyzing our numbers and making sure our boat is upright and on track. He is also extremely passionate about our kids and their families. He, along with his wife and kids, have been to many an NRC event and they are always helping out or encouraging from the sidelines. We are so grateful to have Paul to help us continue to offer our programs and services to the families we serve in the Great Lakes Bay Region.

    Member at Large

    Dave is our member at large and brings the perspective of a foster/adoptive parent. With a background in IT he brings a strong logic to our team and helps ensure we have all our ducks or data in a row! Dave also serves as our Tech guide and keeps our center and information all secured and up to date. If he's not installing updates for Merative, you can find him working on a home project or spending time with his family. He also teaches Dave Ramsey Financial Peace at church and occasionally gets dressed up for fancy fundraising dinners with his wife!

    Board Member

    Jamie is a staple in the community when it comes to doing good. He sits on several boards in the area and has made making an impact a priority. Jamie not only brings his personal resources but the resources from Local 85 and several other unions to assist our organization in projects, maintainence and events. He's helped on our committee for the golf outing along with overseeing the huge project of the downstairs reno. We are very blessed to have Jamie with us and can't wait to see how he can help us be the best for our families.

    Board Member

    Liz is a one of the first friendly faces you will see at Hopevale Church in Bay City. We were so excited to welcome her to our board after having worked with her volunteers for several of our projects. Liz brings her community connections, bright positive attitude and outside of the box thinking to help move our mission forward. She is always helping our event committees bring the events to life and you will often see her welcoming families and friends when we are out and about.